Hi it's Mr.Bluecoud , as I was writing blog I ran out of Ideas and I thought what's next than I thought why not write about the thing I am learning  " PYTHON " . so this is just a trail if people actually interested in this topic or . please comment if you find any problem or something wrong or any thing that can be done better.
As I we start to learn any programming language the first step we take is how to write "HELLO WORLD". so that's what we are going to learn to day. but before that let's talk some history .

python is a open source programming language created by Guido van Rossum in 1991. as time keep going the demand of python programmer is also increasing.

Installing python :-

To install python go to https://www.python.org/downloads/  and install the version of your choice

Environment :-

python can be used in  code editor or IDE . but if you ask me you should choose an IDE , IDE is stands for Integrated development environment . IDE basic feature is that it combines all the tools in a common GUI (graphical user interface) .

There are many IDE available like pycharm , visual studios , wing work , Eclipse etc. . and you can choose any one of them , I personally use pycharm. 


The popularity of python of increase because the python language is very easy from any other language , because it has English like abbreviations it is as simple as learning English .

As you can see we only have to use one line. whereas in other language it takes more lines.


print() - used to print the statement .

Thanks for reading, If find any improvement in this feel free to comment, if you find this article helpful please share and follow me on Twitter or tumlr 


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